Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Flat Boots!!

As you can tell my new thing is flat boots! I love them! I think they're super cute with leggings or skinny jeans or even skirts and tights. Its my goal to get a pair for fall.
I love this pair, they're super cute and they are an adorable steal!!

Suede Knee High Boot($68)

Get Them Here!!

I'm going on an overnight with my freshman class tomorrow! I'll have more in the evening friday.
P and P


London Fashion Girl said...

loving those flat boots. what do you think of the new post on my blog? Please join the poll as well

Marie-Kristine said...

so cute! jadore flat boots!

Sarah said...

i'm actually on the prowl for falt boots this winter.they look great with a sweater dress and leggings.

*** said...

As everyone has already said, I love flat boots! My favorite are the sweater kind that look like a mix of your grandma's knitting and Marc Jacobs chic.
Have a great time with your class!

bootsandbags said...

Love it! Post and comment please on my blog!!!

Ondrayuh Row-hoss said...

hello! i saw your room in teen vogue. it is most excellent! props.

bootsandbags said...

Thanks for checking it out and commenting, I'm glad you liked my blog. I luved ur sheets in TV. Post more soon. You wanna be my sister blog?

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!